HAMILTON — Nearly all forecasts indicate the U.S. agriculture industry needs more people to work on farms. Roughly 15,000 new science and engineering jobs will be created each year in agriculture through 2020. Specific growth areas include poultry production, which continues to enjoy steady year-after-year increases due to growing consumer demand, health benefits and rising consumer interest in eggs, turkey and chicken as a source of protein.
To help encourage college students to pursue careers in the poultry industry and support their education, Michigan Allied Poultry Industry (MAPI) announced its fall scholarship program this week.
The organization is now accepting applications for the $1,500 scholarship through Sept. 15.
The MAPI scholarship is available to undergraduate or graduate students who are actively pursuing a career in a poultry-focused agricultural field or business, with the intent to provide financial assistance to future leaders in the Michigan poultry industry. Applicants must have completed a related summer internship in the year that they are applying for scholarship funds.
“Our goal is to encourage more young people to pursue careers in Michigan’s poultry industry, so that we continue to have a strong pipeline of young talent...”
“Our goal is to encourage more young people to pursue careers in Michigan’s poultry industry, so that we continue to have a strong pipeline of young talent,” Allison Brink, MAPI executive director, said in a statement. “We want to make sure college students understand that this is a growing industry with tons of potential, and that there are all types of jobs in this industry, from working on the farm to tech and engineering jobs as well as business careers with partners and suppliers.”
Scholarship applicants must: