Poultry industry summer internships

January 12, 2017

HAMILTON, Mich. — Michigan Allied Poultry Industries (MAPI) is seeking college students to participate in its inaugural Summer Internship Program. Michigan’s poultry industry has many opportunities for individuals interested in animal science, farm management, feed and nutrition, logistics, and more.The MAPI Summer Internship Program is a hands-on learning experience. Interns will receive on-farm training and learn in-depth skills. Most farms are vertically integrated and students will see operations at many levels. Students will train alongside a mentor and independently to develop skills while accomplishing daily tasks.

How the program works:

  • Students fill out internship application and submit to MAPI.
  • MAPI’s network of host farms will review all student applicants.
  • Farms will contact the student directly and set up interviews with potential candidates. Students may receive multiple inquiries.
  • MAPI will not be involved in hiring, logistics, compensation, etc. MAPI’s role is to help make the farm-student connection.
  • All internships are paid positions.
  • At the completion of the internship, both the farm and the student will complete a survey about their experience.

Student Application Process:

  • Preferred internship opportunity may be noted on the student application.
  • Application deadline is March 1, 2017.
  • Submit completed applications to: info@mipoultry.com
  • Questions? Contact MAPI at info@mipoultry.com or 517.372.5250.

SOURCE: Morning Ag Clips

Michigan Allied Poultry Industries is a producer-led organization that serves and represents over 50 Michigan family-owned poultry farms with more than 15 million laying hens, 6 million chicken broilers, and 5.3 million turkeys represented.  Michigan Allied Poultry is committed to the advancement and prosperity of the poultry industry through advocacy, education and development.

Michigan Allied Poultry Industries, Inc.
PO Box 144
Hamilton, MI 49419
Office: 517.372.5250